Eight Universal Steps of Customer Centered Innovation Map

Customer centered innovation workshops and training ideas have created hype in the world of commerce but very few know all about the tricks and turns of the methodology. So, here are the steps of the right customer centered innovation map which can lead to the huge business success.

Customer Centered Innovation Map

The first and foremost fact about the customer centered innovation strategy is to keep the demands and requirements of the customers in mind, because the customers are the back-bone of the business who take you services and generate cash flow for you. Now, keeping this in mind let’s move forth to the CCI Map and its eight universal steps:

  • Define: This step is the base for all the next seven. This step indicates that the first thing which is needed to do is to determine the goals keeping the customer requirements in mind and plan resources accordingly.
  • Locate: The next step is to gather the items and resources that are needed to get the job done. Also the company must have the right and resourceful information and inputs regarding the step keeping the end product or goal in mind.
  • Prepare: Now, when you have assembled the right resources you need to get a proper, supportive environment to take the process further. The companies can hire or employ the guides to ensure the proper work setup as well as manage the whole work environment smoothly and in less time.
  • Confirm: The institutes need to determine the overall investment length and verify that they and their team is ready to perform the job perfectly. You can ask your reliable or pre-existing customers for their advice and confirmation for better results.
  • Execute: Take the process for the execution and start working over your plots and plans to get the desired results. Fasten the process by eradicating or preventing any problems or delays.
  • Monitor: This step is vital, as monitoring whether the job is being successfully executed or not is quite a crucial task. This step leads to a better, an error free and an improved execution which ensures rewarding results.
  • Modify: You can notice the need for the diversification as the market trends keep on changing once in a while. So, if it feels right to modify or alter the modules of the process do it and get the job done.
  • Conclude: As the name suggests this is the final step of the process which says conclude, means to end up the process by designing the products that simp0lify the process or to repeat the process with modification for further product generation.


So, if you too have a dream to run a commercially successful business where profit is flowing from all the directions, you need to stop dreaming and start doing. You need to work for it, take an action, generate an idea, go innovative, follow the mentioned eight universal steps of customer centered innovation map and act smartly, because today’s business is all about smart work and intelligent strategies.

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